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Dan Frankian is an accomplished falconer, using his skills to provide a natural alternative to chemical and product driven Bird, Animal, and Pest Control in the Toronto and Golden Horseshoe Area... Read more »

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Are you tired of geese taking over your property, leaving behind a mess and causing damage? Many property owners face this challenge, especially during geese migration seasons.

Let’s dive into some practical solutions on how to remove geese from your property, ensuring a peaceful and clean outdoor space.

pair of  Canada geese with goslings on grassy area

Why Do Geese Come to My Property?

Geese are attracted to well-manicured lawns, water features, and abundant food sources. They prefer open, grassy areas where they can easily spot predators while grazing on the short grass. If your property has a pond or is near a water body, it automatically becomes twice as appealing to these birds.

Because geese are also creatures of habit, they’ll typically return to the same location year after year. This is due to their strong homing instinct, which makes them remember and revisit places, especially after a successful nesting season. 

But even if you don’t think that geese in your space are a big deal, they can cause significant property damage by trampling and eating plants, and their droppings can create health hazards.

Geese may also become aggressive, especially during nesting season, posing a threat to pets and humans alike.

How to Remove Geese From Your Property

When it comes to how to remove geese from your property, it's essential to prioritize humane and legal methods. These birds are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, and the Canadian Wildlife Service as well as the SPCA so it's crucial to ensure that any actions you take comply with wildlife laws. There are multiple options that  work to varying degrees.

During molting season, which typically occurs from mid June until mid July, geese shed and regrow their flight feathers, rendering them temporarily flightless. This period can last for about four to six weeks, making the geese more vulnerable and in need of protection.

When dealing with geese during molting season, it's crucial to approach removal and relocation with care and consideration. Attempting to scare away geese during this time can be stressful for the birds and may disrupt their natural molting process. Instead, focus on habitat modification and deterrents to encourage geese to find alternative locations. Restricting their access to water and land can discourage them from staying in your area, especially during molting season.

If geese are causing significant issues and you need to remove them, consider seeking professional help. Trapping and relocating geese during molting season should be done with great care to ensure the safety and well-being of the birds. Professional bird and wildlife control experts can provide guidance on best practices for goose removal and relocation during this sensitive time.

Removing Nests - Highly Effective

To effectively deter geese, it's crucial to address nesting attempts promptly. Remove all nests and potential nesting materials, and mark the locations with GPS tracking. For safety, we advise destroying the nest in the presence of dogs or another person, as geese can be aggressive and may attack when approached. All nesting materials should be discarded.

You can learn more about Nest Removal vs. Chemical oiling here » 

This precaution is essential to prevent injuries, as geese defending their nests can cause serious harm. It's important to handle this task with care to avoid accidents, as people have suffered injuries, such as falling off roofs or sustaining broken arms, while attempting to remove nests. This step is critical for successful geese management!

Trained Dogs - Highly Effective

Dogs that are trained to chase and herd geese ought to be excellent swimmers, fast runners, have high stamina, and must have excellent recall. The idea is to chase geese without causing harm and safely encourage the birds to vacate the area. It's important to note that the goal is not to harm the geese but merely to create a sense of unease that persuades them to move on.

Training techniques such as "come," "stay," and "leave it" are essential for managing your dog's behavior around the birds. Always supervise your dog during these interactions to prevent any accidents and ensure the safety of both the dog and the geese. If done repeatedly during the week and at the proper time of day you can get great results from using dogs!

If you run into difficulties with your own dog, give us a shout. Our dogs are made for this purpose, focusing on commands that allow us to control their movements and ensure they do not come into physical contact with the geese.

Use Eagles and other Birds of Prey - Highly Effective

We employ falconry, which involves using birds of prey like hawks, falcons, and especially eagles, to chase geese from the air. This is a very effective method for managing geese populations.

Geese are naturally frightened of eagles and other raptors, so the presence of these birds will deter geese from congregating in the area.

However, it's important to note that using birds of prey for geese control should be done ethically, in compliance with wildlife regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of both the geese and the birds of prey, and by professionals (like our Hawkeye team).

Pyrotechnics - Highly Effective

Pyrotechnics, specifically loud noises created by pyrotechnic devices, are sometimes used as a non-lethal method to deter geese from certain areas. The loud noises produced by these devices will startle geese, causing them to fly away and seek a quieter location. This method is often used in places like airports, parks, and golf courses to manage geese populations and reduce conflicts with humans.

However, it's important to note that the use of pyrotechnics should be done carefully and in compliance with local regulations.

While pyrotechnics can be effective in the short term, geese can become habituated to the noise over time, reducing its effectiveness as a deterrent. Additionally, the use of pyrotechnics can be disruptive to nearby residents and wildlife, so it should be used judiciously and as part of a comprehensive geese management plan.

Enclose Ponds or other Bodies of Water with a Fence - Moderately Effective

Installing a fence can serve as a physical barrier to prevent geese from accessing the water. Having to fly over a fence, rather than just waddling in, takes up much effort and time and puts geese at risk from predators. Water is their only refuge from predators, such as coyotes.

Geese prefer open spaces where they can easily see predators, so a fence can disrupt their sense of security and deter them from landing or grazing near your pond. When considering a fence for geese deterrence, opt for a height of at least 30 inches.

Get Goose Decoys - Low Efficacy

While this is not a Hawkeye recommended method to deter geese, decoys, including fake swans or predator figures like coyotes or foxes, can sometimes create the illusion of danger, making geese feel unsafe and encouraging them to find a more secure location.

Swans, for example, are territorial and known to be aggressive towards geese, so their perceived presence can be somewhat effective as a deterrent.

When using decoys, placement and maintenance are key. Position your decoys in visible areas where geese are likely to land or graze. It's important to move the decoys daily to maintain the illusion of a live threat.

If the decoys remain static for too long, geese will realize they're not real and ignore them. Regularly inspect your decoys for wear and tear, and replace them as needed to ensure they have some effect. 

Frequently Asked Questions: Geese Removal

Can I legally remove geese from my property?

It's important to use humane and non-lethal methods when figuring out how to legally remove geese from your property. Geese are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, so any actions taken must comply with federal and provincial wildlife laws. Always check local regulations and consider consulting with wildlife experts or a goose removal services for guidance.

Will geese return to my property after removal?

Geese have strong homing instincts and may return to a location where they've previously found food and safety. To prevent their return, it's crucial to make your property less attractive by removing food sources, altering the landscape, and employing deterrents like decoys or repellents. Consistency in these efforts is key to keeping geese away.

Are geese harmful to my property?

Geese can cause harm to your property in several ways. Their droppings can create unsanitary conditions and damage lawn areas. Geese can also trample and eat plants, leading to landscape damage. Additionally, they can be aggressive, especially during nesting season, posing a risk to pets and humans.

How long does it take to remove geese from a property?

The time it takes to remove geese from your property can vary depending on the size of the area, the number of geese, and the methods used. In some cases, results can be seen within a few days, while in others, it may take several weeks of consistent effort.

Employing a combination of strategies and seeking professional assistance will speed up the process.

Is it possible to remove geese without harming them?

Yes, it is possible to remove geese from your property without harming them. Humane methods such as falconry, installing physical barriers like fences, or employing trained dogs are all effective ways to deter geese without causing them harm.

It's important to focus on creating an unattractive environment for geese rather than resorting to lethal measures.

Can I use lasers for goose removal?

Using lasers as a method to deter geese from your property has gained some popularity. Handheld lasers, particularly green lasers, can be used to provide ad hoc harassment of nuisance geese. The laser beam can travel over a mile and, because of its portable nature, can cover a large surface area in a short amount of time.

Green lasers, in particular, are considered effective for birds and geese. They are incredibly bright and can scare away geese without causing them harm. However, it's essential to use lasers responsibly and avoid shining them directly into the eyes of the geese, as this could potentially blind them.

While lasers can be effective in dispersing geese, especially during their molting season when they are flightless, it's important to use them in conjunction with other humane and legal methods for goose removal. Consult with wildlife experts or goose removal services for guidance on using lasers safely and effectively.

Is shooting geese legal in Canada?

In Canada, shooting geese is legal under specific circumstances and regulations. Canada geese are considered game birds and may be hunted in compliance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA) and Migratory Birds Regulations.

However, it's crucial to follow all federal and provincial regulations, including obtaining the necessary licenses and permits. Shooting geese outside of these regulations or without the appropriate permits is illegal and can result in penalties. If you're considering hunting Canada geese, it's advisable to familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and guidelines to ensure compliance.

Get Hawkeye Bird Control Specialists To Help!

If you've tried various methods and still struggle with geese on your property, it might be time to call in the professionals. Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control Specialists offer expertise, efficiency, and humane treatment in managing bird and wildlife issues, including knowing how to remove geese from your property. 

In addition to methods mentioned above, Hawkeye has formulated a special paintball gun and compound for geese. This method has proven highly effective as well. You should know that any and all goose control methods yield MUCH better results at night!

Contact our specialists today for Canadian geese removal so you can have peace and order on your property again!


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