Bird Control Menu

Hawkeye is the ONLY Toronto and Golden Horseshoe area licensed Pest Bird Control Specialist offering PERMANENT REMOVAL & GUARANTEED RESULTS. We are uniquely authorized under permit and license to PERMANENTLY REMOVE AND CONTROL birds such as pest pigeons, seagulls, and geese using a vast variety of methods and products, including Birds of Prey. Falconry, in conjunction with other control methods yield excellent and lasting results. Additionally, we clean and disinfect affected areas and ensure future exclusion of birds by offering and installing products such as balcony netting or ledge protection systems.

Common Nuisance Birds in Toronto

Pigeons, Gulls, and Geese cause the most issues by far in the City of Toronto. Toronto's ample beaches and waterfront public spaces invite plenty of Gulls and Geese, as do the sprawling parks throughout the city. Pigeons find an impressive buffet in the inner city in food scraps and human trash.

Pigeons and Their Impact

Pigeons, while often viewed with a sense of nostalgia, cause considerable damage to architecture and business signage, as well as historic landmarks. Pigeon droppings are not only unsightly and highly acidic, but also carry a fair bit of bacteria leading to a number of health concerns.

Seagulls in Urban Areas

Seagulls, especially in great numbers, can cause a number of problems. Around airports, there is the danger of bird strikes and a real risk of loss of human life. On flat rooftops (found on many warehouses, box stores, and manufacturing facilities) large flocks of seagulls can damage ventilation and HVAC systems as well as the roof itself. Another concern around Seagulls in the city is aggression. Gulls have become accustomed to being fed by either well meaning or careless passers by and will take matters into their own hands (feet?) when food offerings aren't forthcoming.

Canada Geese Problems

Canada Geese are present in just about every park and on every golf course in and around Toronto. Aside from dodging goose droppings one must also tread carefully around breeding/nesting season. Geese are quite aggressively defending their nests and offspring and can cause a fair bit of injury due to their size and ferocity.

Health and Property Risks of Bird Infestations

Diseases Transmitted by Birds

There is little concern about the transfer of mites or fleas since we don't generally handle pest birds. However, there is great concern about bird feces, or droppings. Virtually all pest bird droppings contain bacteria and parasites that can and will cause disease in humans. Conditions attributed to pest bird poop include Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, and Psittacosis. Learn more about health risks associated with pest birds »

Damage to Buildings and Structures

The acidic nature of bird droppings puts a great many structures at risk. Damages range from purely asthetic to catastrophic; from degradation and the eventual loss of historic limestone monuments to structural weakening and/or the collapse of steel bridges.

Loss of Human Life

Birds around airports carry the greatest risk for loss of human life. There are far more collisions between birds and aircraft than is covered by media. Thankfully, many of those collisions don't have a death toll, but the presence of any flock of birds near an active airfield has the potential to end in catastrophy. We've also seen loss of human life in bridge collapses where bird droppings were found to be a main contributing factor.

harris hawkEffective Bird Control Methods

Pest Bird Control is rarely effective or successful by means of one method alone. We see the greatest success by combining several methods and often over a period of time. Many birds stay around or return to their own hatching site, so it is imperative to change the bahaviour. This is where Birds of Prey have such great impact. The mere presence of a predatory bird will disburse an entire flock without actually harming any birds. Depending on the species of pest bird and the location or industry, the methods necessary in adidition to Falconry vary from trapping or chasing to shooting.

Exclusion Techniques

Netting is an excellent way to keep birds out of certain areas. Balcony Netting can keep birds off of balconies or away from business signage, or Capture Netting™ can stop birds mid-flight. Entire ponds can even be netted to keep out geese and other water fowl. All types of netting require professional installation to be effective and long lasting.

Deterrent Systems

A great numer of ledge protection systems do a fantastic job by preventing birds from landing or roosting around ledges and roofs. The finished product is often next to invisible and suitable for many locations, even historic landmarks.

Humane Removal Strategies

Again, we look for ways to relocate the birds, not injure or kill them. Falconry is by far the most effective way to achieve that. But, we also use dogs to chase geese, making the area feel less safe or inviting for nesting and raising offspring. Especially in the area of geese control, we have developed some custom solutions.

Legal Considerations for Bird Control in Toronto

Most of our common pest birds in Ontario are protected by the Migratory Birds Convention Act. In addition, there may be provincial or territorial legislation as well as other provisions defined by the Convention on Biodiversity, or the Species at Risk Act. Migratory birds are protected at all times ans all migratory bird nests are protected when they contain a live bird or viable egg.

gull nest with 3 eggsProtected Species and Regulations

Gulls, Geese, Pigeons, Swallows, Sparrows, and over 300 more species enjoy protection in Ontario. There are restrictions and regulations regarding when and how you may interact with birds, nests, eggs, and hatchlings. We will help you obtain the necessary and correct permits for the work that needs to be done. It is of utmost important that you contact us as soon as you observe pest birds around your home or business. The window to act is small at times and getting the permits can take a couple of weeks. Don't delay. Call us today!

Permit Requirements

There are mainly 2 types of permits one can request: A 'Scientific Permit' or a 'Danger or Damage Permit'. Unless you are recording, collecting, and/or sharing data about the birds you are seeing, you will be seeking a Danger or Damage Permit. We will guide you and assist with obtaining your permit.

Why Choose Hawkeye for Bird Control

We guarantee results. Your one call to Hawkeye will result in a job well done from beginning to end, from bird and nest removal to cleaning, disinfecting and professional installation of products to prevent repeat bird infestation. Guaranteed.

Our Expertise and Experience

We have been an industry leader for well over 30 years. Our multi faceted appraoch including Falconry is unique, as are many of our custom solutions and proprietary systems. When we find that conventional methods don't yield the results our customers need, we will go to the drawing board and deisgn a custom approach that does.

Eco-Friendly Approaches

Falconry is the most natural, humane, and effective bird control method, making use of the natural relationship between pest bird and predator. Our aim is to scare birds away from undesirable locations without causing harm or injury and Birds of Prey will do just that.


In addition to Pigeons, Gulls, and Geese, we also deal with Cormorants, Crows, Doves, Ducks, Grackels, Robins, Sparrows, Starlings, Cliff and Barn Swallows. Please visit our Pest Bird section for specific control methods for individual pest birds.

With offices across Canada and one location in the U.S., we are here to help you deal with Pest Bird Control and avoid potential health hazards, costly damage to property, and loss of product and/or productivity your company will face if pest bird problems are not addressed immediately.



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In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: