We help home owners & businesses deal with Bird Control & Wildlife Removal through use of Falconry  and other humane control methods. Permanent Results. GUARANTEED.

Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control has been synonymous with Excellence in Humane Pest Bird Control and Animal & Wildlife Removal for over 35 years. Call us today at 416.429.5393


Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control Services

Animal Wildlife Removal

Animal Wildlife Removal

Permanent Removal. Guaranteed.

Bird Control & Removal

Effective control methods, incl. Falconry

Falconry Experience

Spend an hour or three with our Birds of Prey... have a Hawk or Owl fly to YOUR arm!

Animal Wrangling

Hawkeye's trained Dogs & Birds of Prey are available for Motion Pictures, Television, Photography, and more...

What makes Hawkeye different from other wildlife control companies?

Hawkeye is the ONLY pest bird and animal/wildlife control company in Canada designated "Certified Wildlife Control Professional" AND holding the following permits/licenses:


Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitTrapping of Fur Bearing Animals
In contrast to all other companies, we can euthanize the bird or fur bearing animal, thus guaranteeing it will not return.

Falconry PermitCommercial Falconry Permit
We use Birds of Prey (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles) to scare, chase, or remove in a natural and humane way.

Pest control licenseOntario Pest Control License
We can employ chemical solutions to certain problems. These methods include natural pesticides.

Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitShooting in Sensitive Environments
Our extensive training and certifications allow us to use pyrotechnics or firearms, even in urban settings.


We offer PERMANENT solutions above and beyond what other companies can offer. GUARANTEED. 


35+ years of Bird and Animal Wildlife Control probably speaks for itself.

Our love for and experience in dealing with Pest Birds and Animal Wildlife has taken us to Airports, Hospitals, Municipal Parks and Marinas, High Rise Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and to homes all across southern Ontario.

Our unique approach and proprietary equipment as well as our extensive training truly set us apart. All of our technicians are licensed trappers and undergo continued training in areas of safety and best practices.


Learn more about Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control More about Hawkeye



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Chipmunk vs. Squirrel: What's Really the Difference?

Have you ever wondered about those furry (and quite charming) little critters scurrying about in your yard? How do you know whether you are looking at a chipmunk or a squirrel?

Chipmunk vs. Squirrel

When we talk about chipmunks vs. squirrels, we'll find that they have an awful lot in common... and a few key differences. Both are members of the Sciuridae family (and so are over 250 other little rodents!) and both are found in nearly all parts of Canada. Their diets are very similar, as are their enemies. With that said, let's look at what distinguishes one from the other.

Physical Characteristics

Size and Body Shape

Squirrels (and here in Ontario, that generally means the Estern Grey Squirrel) are considerably larger than chipmunks and measure about 10-12 inches plus a tail nearly the same lenth. A squirrel's back legs are longer than the front and make them excellent jumpers. Chipmunks, on the other hand rarely measure more than 7.5 inches with a short and somewhat stubby legs and considerable shorter and thinner tails.

Fur Color and Patterns

The Eastern Grey Squirrel comes in 50 shades of grey :) Well, brown-ish to grey-ish. Actually, most are very dark and there seems to be a connection between a colder climate and darker fur. The red squirrel, of course, will have more of a reddish-brown coloured fur. No matter the squirrel, its fur will be uniform and one colour or shade. Chipmunks however, have a rather intricite and pretty stiped head and body: five dark and four light stripes along their sides and three dark and two light stripes on their face. Their fur is orange-brown  and their belly is light coloured.

Facial Features

The smaller chipmunk has delicate features with those distinctive stripes, big black eyes and a pointy nose, covered in whiskers. They also sport cheek pouches with an impressive capacity to store and transport food and small upright rounded ears. In contrast, squirrels have even coloured faces, a little more rounded nose, more prominent whiskers, and proportionally larger ears. They also have some storage space in their cheeks, but to a much lesser degree.

Read more: Chipmunk vs. Squirrel: What's Really the Difference?


In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: