We help home owners & businesses deal with Bird Control & Wildlife Removal through use of Falconry  and other humane control methods. Permanent Results. GUARANTEED.

Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control has been synonymous with Excellence in Humane Pest Bird Control and Animal & Wildlife Removal for over 35 years. Call us today at 416.429.5393


Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control Services

Animal Wildlife Removal

Animal Wildlife Removal

Permanent Removal. Guaranteed.

Bird Control & Removal

Effective control methods, incl. Falconry

Falconry Experience

Spend an hour or three with our Birds of Prey... have a Hawk or Owl fly to YOUR arm!

Animal Wrangling

Hawkeye's trained Dogs & Birds of Prey are available for Motion Pictures, Television, Photography, and more...

What makes Hawkeye different from other wildlife control companies?

Hawkeye is the ONLY pest bird and animal/wildlife control company in Canada designated "Certified Wildlife Control Professional" AND holding the following permits/licenses:


Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitTrapping of Fur Bearing Animals
In contrast to all other companies, we can euthanize the bird or fur bearing animal, thus guaranteeing it will not return.

Falconry PermitCommercial Falconry Permit
We use Birds of Prey (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles) to scare, chase, or remove in a natural and humane way.

Pest control licenseOntario Pest Control License
We can employ chemical solutions to certain problems. These methods include natural pesticides.

Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitShooting in Sensitive Environments
Our extensive training and certifications allow us to use pyrotechnics or firearms, even in urban settings.


We offer PERMANENT solutions above and beyond what other companies can offer. GUARANTEED. 


35+ years of Bird and Animal Wildlife Control probably speaks for itself.

Our love for and experience in dealing with Pest Birds and Animal Wildlife has taken us to Airports, Hospitals, Municipal Parks and Marinas, High Rise Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and to homes all across southern Ontario.

Our unique approach and proprietary equipment as well as our extensive training truly set us apart. All of our technicians are licensed trappers and undergo continued training in areas of safety and best practices.


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Humane Skunk Trapping Dos and Don'ts

Ahh, the unmistakable aroma of a skunk! Is it hanging around your home? The skunk AND the smell? Well, it may be time to issue an eviction notice to your furry visitors. Let's have a look at why they may hang around your home and yard and how you can reclaim your space.

Why Do Skunks Enter Urban Areas?

Skunks are actually quite timid, but opportunistic little creatures. They generally won't go out of their way to pick a fight (except perhaps with your chickens or other poultry livestock) but their presence is not desirable, for a host of reasons. One of those reasons is the potential of being rabies carriers, and concern for the saftety of your pets and your family. Other reasons include nuisance damage in your yard and garden, and yes, that lovely aroma that can linger for weeks and make you want to keep your doors and windows closed, no matter the weather.

Food Availability

The number one reason for skunks arriving and choosing to stay around your property is food. Well, food and water. From your well intentioned bowls set out for your pets to the grubs in your lawn and the goodies in your vegetable garden. From the eggs in your chicken coop to the chickens, quail, or other birds themselves, Being fond of dead things as well, your trash bin and compost are also mighty attractive. And then, there's an abundance of mice, moles, voles, rats, songbirds and their eggs, and carcasses as well as grasshoppers, wasps, bees, crickets, beetles, and beetle larvae. So, you see, your yard makes for a convenient one-stop shop. 


Then, of course, there is shelter. All creatures need shelter - from the elements, from predators, and to raise a family. And again, your yard may provide some high quality real estate. The space below your deck or porch is perfect for tucking away for a mid-day snooze, as is any hollow tree, unused machinery, or unsecured shed. Skunks are most active at night and prefer a quiet, low traffic area to rest during the day.

Reduced Predation

When it comes to predators, your yard may be a safer option for the skunk, but said skunk may invite larger predators to your yard. In the wild, skunks fall prey to coyotes, fox, bobcats, and even large birds of prey (mostly owls). You likely don't have a whole lot of those animals residing in your backyard, so that's a good thing for the skunk. But, if you allow the skunk to stay in and around your yard, you may well end up with one of those predators going after the skunk, and that's going to open a whole new can of..  well, any of those.

Read more: Humane Skunk Trapping Dos and Don'ts


In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: