Animal Wrangling /Providing Film Production Animlas in the Toronto Area is an exciting and growing part of our company's focus!


Our dogs have been featured in a number of retail commercials, music videos, and network trailers. Our trained animals provide movie and commercial producers with controlled movement, while our professional dog handlers ensure safe human and animal interaction. There's also habitat specific footage to enhance any project.


Currently available dogs: Bulldog, Springer Spaniel, Standard Poodle, Labrador Retriever, Maltese





Dogs currently in training

for movies, commercials, motion pictures, still photographs, music videos, etc...


Field Springer spaniels & Brittany spaniels:

Spaniels have speed and stamina for the field, as they are originally trained as hunting animals and are trained to work with other animals such as other dogs, horses, birds of prey or for modern hunting with guns.


The Springer is an affectionate and easy-going family dog, and its alertness
and attentiveness makes it the ideal hunting companion. An intelligent dog, and eager to please, a Springer is easily incorporated into a family setting. Good with children & have a moderate to high energy level.


Advantage for film and still work:
These dogs are Excellent for multiple takes, great around family and easily acclimatized for sitting in front of the fireplace. They are ideal for running Gallup with a horse, or chasing something with falconers or hunters.


Specific skill sets include:


Retrieve to Hand
Dog delivers a Bird/object to wrangler, meaning that a dog will hold the  bird/object until told to give it to the wrangler, hunter, falconer, directly & softly without damage.

This skill is usually needed when an actor is down and requires a dog to perform what seems to be a life saving act of retrieval for the owner.

A flushing spaniel's primary role is often as an upland flushing dog. Dogs must work in a zigzag pattern in front of the wrangler, hunter, falconer, seeking upland game. The dog must be taught to stay within gun range to avoid flushing a bird outside of shooting distance or falconers or wrangler distance. This usually gets filmed in movies where actors go hunting.

Having the ability to scent game is of vital importance to the hunter. A Springer should have a good nose in both wet and dry conditions. A dog with a good nose will learn to use the wind as it quests for game, ever adjusting its pattern according to the nuances of the wind.


Excellent to show on film. Nose up in the air sniffing sound gives the dog an air of intelligence gives depth to the picture as well as realism.

The Springer should have a positive flush. It should point and released upon command when encountering game.

On film, some dogs will often get airborne during a flush. This is exciting to watch.

Hup (or Hop, Whoa):
This is the traditional command to sit and stay. When hupped the dog can be given direction or called to the handler. The ability to hup a dog actively working a running bird, allows the handler and/or a gunner to keep up.


This is very useful for filming requiring steady shots when walking with actors, following or leading.

Person to person A-B
All dogs at Hawkeye are trained to go from person to person.

Person to person A-B-C
All of our dogs are trained to go to several people and entails the dog going to a person, an object and then to a different person. This rehearsal is required since the object involved may be different every time.

Opening doors
Most of Hawkeye's dogs are trained to open doors that have straight handles; round handle are next to impossible for a dog to turn.

Telephones, flashlight weapons are the norm on film


Other skill sets:
Any other skill sets required are usually rehearsed with the wrangler and then with the actors so that all involved, animal, wrangler and actors know what is to happen as per script.



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In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: